558 Handong-ro Buk-gu, Pohang Gyeongbuk 37554 Republic of Korea
Copyright (c) Handong Global University. All Rights Reserved.
All Handong students gather at least weekly to corporately worship God.
Although it is a Liberal compulsory course, ‘Chapel’ is conducted in an open-style service, comprising praise, devotional messages from the Bible, and student led small concerts and plays.
Handong includes ‘Faith and Worldview’ in its academic curriculum to helpstudents know Jesus Christ more deeply. Furthermore, as one of the requirements for graduation, students need to complete a designated number of ‘Faith and Worldview’ credits. Through this, students are exposed intellectually and academically to the truth of the Christian faith.
In addition to Wednesday Chapel, students can attend services in various locations around the campus.
- Sunday Service
- Thursday All-Out Worship
- Friday River Worship
Students can participate in various religious programs offered by Professors and the Chaplain’s Office. They have the opportunity to share a faith-based relationship during their studies in Handong in a range of activities outside normal class times.
- English Handong Discipleship School
- Children's Ministry
- Life Groups (small theme or community based fellowship groups)
Students can pray wherever and whenever they need. The university provides a number of purpose built prayer rooms across the school campus.